Commercial Stripout – Aston Villa Football Club

For the Strip out of the Aston Villa Football Club, Trojan Stripout was proud to work with KHD Brokk Hire. The Brokk machines make light work of concrete, bricks and other tough materials.
Our Procedure
Working as a sub-contractor, Trojan are instructed to carry works, as part of strip out of all as shown at the above named site, work will be carry-out on the existing bar/servery and toilet are as to enable brokk operations.
Following isolation and drain down of services and provision of task lighting by others.
- Attendsite.
- Walk through project with client to planwork.
- Receive confirmation of electrical/mechanical isolation and drain down in the working areas from p/c.
- Working in a skilled, careful and methodical way at all the times, to assess risk and reduce hazard using various hand and battery operated tools using specified and approved ppe relevant to the task in hand.
- As per manufacturers instruction and recommendations erect a mobile tower
- Using various battery and or 110v tools along with various hand tools.
- Strip out all doors frames ,partitions, servery units and the like to leave ready for brokk machine to break out the walls.
- Strip out all unitary , frames cisterns urinals ,and all associated pipework, brackets and the like.
- Using 110v breakers to remove all tiling through out the toilet areas to leave area ready for brokk machine to demolish walls
- Remove all waste arising to sited skip as per plans as supplied in a previous email.
- Leave site swept clean of any debris.